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重要なのは選挙の次に何が起きるかだ(Raed Jarrar, 30 January)



以下はRaed Jarrarさんウェブログとのダブルポストです(最後まで)。



Saturday, January 29, 2005



今おこなわれている,時期尚早のイラクの占拠は,一大イベントとして,ピークとして,今起きていることとして,マーケティングされている。あたかも,選挙の日の後にはすべてが終わるというかのように! これではまるで,陳腐な恋愛映画だ。恋人同士が結婚してめでたしめでたしで幕引きっていうパターン。




Posted by: Raed Jarrar / 1:17 PM
*translated by: nofrills, 31 January 2005

Iraqi Shi'ite Cleric Urges Election Boycott
「シーア派指導者が選挙ボイコットを呼びかけ」という見出しです。タイムスタンプはSat Jan 29, 3:36 PM ETになってます。

一瞬ムクタダ・サドル師かな?と思ったのですが,そうではなく,「アヤトラ」であるAyatollah Ahmed al-Hassani al-Baghdadi すなわちアハメド・アル=ハッサニ・アル=バグダディ師でした。


Baghdadi, one of the few Shi'ite clerics openly to oppose an election that is expected to cement the long-oppressed Shi'ite majority's newfound political power, said a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and scrapping the interim constitution that embraces federalism should precede a poll.

"I believe these elections will fail as most Iraqis will boycott because of the lack of security and calls for federalism ... I call on my people to boycott the elections," he said in an interview at his home in Najaf.


While he has far less influence than Sistani, who is deeply revered among Shi'ites, Baghdadi's rejection of elections reflects the simmering resentment of some Shi'ites for U.S. forces in the country, which face an insurgency led by Sunni militants and Saddam Hussein loyalists.


Sadr's movement is not officially running in Sunday's polls, but has not told followers to boycott them, though some plan to do so.

But many of the Sunnis who make up about 20 percent of the population, facing violence and intimidation in their heartland and feeling increasingly marginalized since the U.S.-led war, are leading a boycott.

Baghdadi condemned elections under the gaze of U.S. tanks as a mockery, slammed the cleric-politicians who are running for office and urged Iraqis to unite to expel American forces.

"Resistance will continue even if both Sunnis and Shi'ites go to the polls," he said. "These elections will fail. Elections with lax security, under the interim constitution, have no legitimacy."

"I am a son of Iraq and I call on all Christians and Muslims to expel the Americans from Iraq," he added.

Now, according to the Institute for War and Peace Reporting's reporters in Basra, he has come out openly:

Hayder al-Safi, spokesman for Sistani’s representative in Basra, Ali Abdul-Hakim al-Safi, said on January 28 that Shia leaders are urging people to vote for the United Iraqi Alliance, listed as number 169 on the ballot sheet. "Anyone that votes for List no. 169, I will answer for them before God,” said al-Safi, quoting the words of Sistani. “And anyone who will vote for other lists will answer before God."

I think that's pretty definitive. Vote for 169 or you're damned. Sistani should worry -- he's on track to descend to the level of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.

I'm not sure how much more of this democracy -- in American and in Iraq -- the world can take.


2005-01-31 02:27:17