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BBC NEWSトップページの「主なニュース」のテロップで,
Italian PM says hostage's car stopped before US forces opened fire.



More soonの段階(=記事はまだ書かれていない段階)なので,とりあえずキャプチャ画像だけ。

Italian PM says hostage's car stopped before US forces opened fire. More soon. -- BBC NEWS


2005-03-10 01:09:13


■ 記事が出ました。

Italy pushes US over slain agent
Last Updated: Wednesday, 9 March, 2005, 16:48 GMT(日本時間で10日1:48)

Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has said the US must take responsibility for its role in the killing of Nicola Calipari in Iraq.

Mr Berlusconi said his government had demanded "maximum collaboration" from the US, and a joint inquiry with Italy had been promised.

US troops fired on the car carrying Italian agent Mr Calipari and freed hostage Giuliana Sgrena.

The US military in Iraq has begun an investigation into Friday's shooting.

The inquiry is being led by Brig Gen Peter Vangjel and is expected to take up to four weeks to complete.

Relations between the US and Italy have been strained by the incident.

Mr Berlusconi told the Italian senate that the US must take some responsibility for the killing if it was to be put behind them.

"Only a frank and reciprocal recognition of eventual responsibility is the condition for closure of the incident which was so irrational and that caused so much sorrow," he said.

He said the car carrying Mr Calipari had stopped immediately a light had flashed, conflicting with the account of events given by the US military.

Mr Calipari has become a national hero and Italy's leaders joined hundreds of fellow citizens at his funeral.
いけだ (2005-03-10 01:48:38)

■ BBC記事がヴァージョンアップ

タイムスタンプはLast Updated: Wednesday, 9 March, 2005, 17:40 GMT

いけだ (2005-03-10 03:35:43)